I needed the birth certificate because today was… Kindergarten Round-Up. (!!!) It’s hard to believe that Max will officially be in public school in August. That’s only 5 months from now.
I think he’s ready… but will I be? Parents tend to get a little anxious as their child has their first day of school. I can see how it’s a little unnerving – sending your precious little one into a strange new world, full of new faces and new rules. It’s got to be a culture shock for them.
If I’m being honest, I’m not as concerned at how Max will adjust as I am about how his teachers will handle him. Admittedly, he’s intelligent – but he’s also easily bored and stubborn, which can be a combination for failure.
I was mulling over this a little as I waited in the registration line at the local Middle School. It didn’t escape me that I was definitely the odd one out in the queue of moms – having come on my lunch break, I was a suit in a sea of jersey knits, all of whom were talking excitedly with each other. Suddenly, I was 12 again – the band nerd alone in a shark tank full of cheerleaders. Then, the bell rang and students poured past us. I couldn’t help smile a little as a back-to-school excitement intermingled with my time-warped musings.
Funny how some things don’t change. Rows of books surrounded me in the library, categorized and neatly aligned on the shelves, waiting for eager readers. The cafeteria across the hall was bustling with animated conversation and there was that unmistakable, nostalgic smell of brown bag lunch wafting over. Colorful student posters lined the halls, advocating anti-bullying and promoting school pride. A cup of freshly sharpened No. 2’s greeted me on the table where I sat to fill out Max’s forms. The erasers had never been used.
Again, I have something to smile about. Back-to-school always feels like New Year’s to me. My apprehensions about Max are quickly replaced by the excitement of the possibilities headed his way.