Dear ScruffyFace:
You did more damage to your "reputation" by suing the widow of America's most celebrated sniper than being mentioned in Kyle's book in the first place. He didn't even call you by name in the book, but rather outed you in... promotions afterwards; regardless, it must have tickled your antenna because you were all over it like any other cele-bitchy attention whore would be. You milked it for all it was worth - i suppose you needed funds since your garbage conspiracy theory show tanked.
After you "won" your 1.8 mil from Kyle's widow and young children, you reportedly said, "there were no winners." You're right. There was one grieving family, a pissed off insurance company, and one big fat LOSER.
So now that you've effectively taken what was left of your character, poured gasoline on it and burned it to hell, perhaps you should work on proving you're not the coward we all have come to know you as... You should donate every sticky cent you just got to charity. Give it to something that matters. Let those ill-gotten dollars grow into something more important than elevating your ego. Because now, no matter how hard you try, you'll always be ScruffFace. You still got your ass kicked. And you deserved it.
You reap what you sow.
PS - Just out of curiosity, how well did you know Eddie Ray Routh?
You did more damage to your "reputation" by suing the widow of America's most celebrated sniper than being mentioned in Kyle's book in the first place. He didn't even call you by name in the book, but rather outed you in... promotions afterwards; regardless, it must have tickled your antenna because you were all over it like any other cele-bitchy attention whore would be. You milked it for all it was worth - i suppose you needed funds since your garbage conspiracy theory show tanked.
After you "won" your 1.8 mil from Kyle's widow and young children, you reportedly said, "there were no winners." You're right. There was one grieving family, a pissed off insurance company, and one big fat LOSER.
So now that you've effectively taken what was left of your character, poured gasoline on it and burned it to hell, perhaps you should work on proving you're not the coward we all have come to know you as... You should donate every sticky cent you just got to charity. Give it to something that matters. Let those ill-gotten dollars grow into something more important than elevating your ego. Because now, no matter how hard you try, you'll always be ScruffFace. You still got your ass kicked. And you deserved it.
You reap what you sow.
PS - Just out of curiosity, how well did you know Eddie Ray Routh?