Me: "school day tomorrow, Max, time to get in bed."
Max: "I'm hungry."
Me: "You just ate - a whole sandwich. And a bunch of pizza." (It was a left-overs night)
Max: "I know. Can I get another turkey sandwich?"
Me (knowing I cannot deny him food even though I know this is a blatant stall tactic): "okay, but You. Must. Eat. It. All."
I make the sandwich, place it before him. Max proceeds to have a staring contest with it for a few minutes.
Me: "well? are you going to eat that?"
Max (maintains): "of course, I'm starving!"
Still, the sandwich remains untouched. Then his attention wanes and he starts giving his favorite lecture on Star Wars. While he looks away, I sneak away part of the sandwich to see if he'd even notice - I'm hoping he'll protest the loss...
But when he turns back to the plate, he shouts out proudly, "see, I was so hungry I just absorbed half this sandwich with my mind!!"
Nice try.