After the clinic, I skipped the office and decided to work from home the rest of the day. As I checked a few office emails, and took a phone call or two, I found myself intermittently begging the boys to keep their noise down. Seriously, it sounded like a circus in my living room. On my last, exasperated attempt to ask them to play the “quiet game,” I gave up. I had to. They were just being so darn cute, I surrendered.
So I let work go. Anything I was doing could wait until the next day, anyways. Funnily enough, waving the white flag was actually quite refreshing.
I picked up a Boom Whacker and joined Max’s Parade. We pretended to be elephants and trumpet players and we made as many crazy noises as we possibly could. Even Maverick was really getting the hang of making some animal noises. I marveled at his mimicking ability. He is doing so well. And Max is super creative. The imagination in his head is simply inspiring.
So I found myself really having a lot of fun today. So much fun, in fact, that I had a little tinge of sadness when I had to let Mommy responsibility kick back in and prepare dinner, baths, and bedtimes.
All too soon, those worn out little men were tucked in and sound asleep, and I had a chance to reflect on the day. It was definitely one that I want to hold onto forever. I want to keep those rejuvenating laughs and giggles from this afternoon’s cacophony symphony locked in my soul, where I can replay them like videos anytime I need a lift in spirit.
I love you boys. Thank you for making my day special.