My dad calls.
... Me: "Hey Dad."
Dad: "Hey...ummm - you know that errrr .... that shirt Maverick had on, uh, I guess it was yesterday?"
Me: "yeah..."
Dad: "The one that says "HUNK" on it?"
Me: "yeah...."
Dad (snickering): "Well, uhhh... you might wanna check it before you throw it in the wash."
Me: "Why? What... what's wrong with it?"
Dad: "Well, I put a couple of pieces of tape on it."
Me: "tape?"
Dad (laughing harder): "Yeah, I covered up the bottom leg of the H (ha-ha-ha) and then put another piece across the top (hah-ha-ha) to close it off... (hoo-hoo-hoo!)"
Me: "errrr... ok?"
Dad: "Make sure you find it before you wash it -- it's the shirt that says 'PUNK' now."
Me: "Wait, what?!! DAD!!!"